actually aftr d presentation i really feLt relieved
i just wanna 4get d super seLfish eviL persOn
and what better way is there than 2 watch hanakimi..weeeee~~
d last ep of hana kimi is soooo damn funny i was luffIng till i had tummy ache
i mean who cOuLd resist when bishIes cross
guess who's d reaL girL..hahahah
LOL shun......LOL toma XD XD
shocku shiroTa yuu *i 4got his name in d dorama la*
loookie shy.shy neko shun...wahahhahahhahah~~~
uwaaaaaaaa...atashi shockuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
ikemen paradise fashIon shOw....*damn i m envious of maki*
and d winNer gOes 2 SANOOOOO aka SHun...weeeee~~~
cLoseup on d cLueless QueeN of d day..hahahamuahahahahha...i cant stop luffIng watching dis...
Shun...u make a fugLy loOking gaL...ooOps
but i still luv u anyway...ngeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~
even tho i dont really like Toma b4 dis
probabLy bcOz of a very emosh fangaL
i really like him as NAkatsu *and BOx-kun in akihabara@deep*
so yeay to Toma too
i m amazed at my love-dislike relationship wiF toma..ahahha
i m still envIous of maki
1st Yamapi *err and Kame*
and now cOmbo of Shun & Toma
u r ONE LUCKY GAL to b living in reaL life Ikemen PAradise..huhu
but u r still one of my fav actress..........
another dorama comes 2 an end
i must say dis is definiteLy 1 of my fav summer dorama
QUoTE of d day....
"d best time to Live is Now...b GraTefuL.......and live life 2 d fullest"
it s great 2 b genki agaIn...
beIng emosh is tiring..uwekk