i m just seeing it d way i want
the more i think about it d more i feel dat chibi P looks like fujioka haruhi
see d similarities
i m not kidding yo~~
thoughts on haruhi vs chibi P
if u have watched Ouran HIgh SchooL Host Club
u will know dat Fujioka Haruhi is actually a girl crossdressing as a guy
dat is aftr she was mistook as a guy by d mmbrs oF d Host Club
aftr breaking a vase worth of 5000000+yen she is forced 2 join d host club
where she remained crossdressed as a guy
playing host to idLe rich girLs..
wiF onLy d mmbrs of d Host club knowing her true identity
why is she similar to chibi P u say????
coz chibi P also crossdressed...mmmmm...well unintentionally in P.P.O.I
kyaaaaaaaaaaaa...he looks kawaii in girLs cLothes
*hides under d bed from unwanted bricks & knives....huwaaaaaaaaaa*
since i already started playing mix match wif d characters of ouran
might as well go on rite...........
so i decide dat SUoh Tamaki shaLL b.................TAKKY ^____~
thoughts on Tamaki vs Takky
TAmaki=Haruhi's senpai
Takky= P's
Tamaki=acts like a father 2 d host club and dots on haruhi 4 being his kawaii daughter
Takky=coz he is PApa Pi....duhhhh.......he just go crazy over chibi P >>>"ooo...kawaiii...kawaiii....chu~~~~~"
Tamaki + Takky = just acts plain baka & crazy all d time..........
see.... see..........toldja there are similarities
i m NOT DELLUSION either k
cant think of other characters rite now
had some ppL in mind tho...
but since i m bored..........i m posting dis up 1st
on ReaL Life>>>sux dat 2day is d last day of Holiday.........back to boring Hospital Life
cant even imagine my whOLe life is gonna b like dis.................
mata ashita minna~~~